Angelia Aria Divina
Angelia is a Certified Angel Intuitive (AI), Pranic & Crystal Healer, Spiritual Counselor and PSYCH-K® Facilitator. She is passionate about helping people on their spiritual journey and navigating to overcome the challenges that are present in their life. Angelia has always sensed different energies around people and have had psychic abilities but she closed these abilities down as she was growing up, as she needed to learn and grow in other areas of life. Angelia was an avid reader of the occult, angelic realms, ancient Egypt, Mayan civilization and Eastern cultures since her early 20’s and around that time she started to work with pendulum, Tarot and Angel Oracle cards and this sparked further interest of Spirituality, especially Angels, Angelic realms and Crystals.
Angel Healing Qualifications
Certificate of Angel Intuitive(AI), trained by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.®
Other Healing Qualifications
Certificate of Crystal Healing (by Melody®)
Certificate of Pranic Healing Technique (Basic & Advanced) by Institute for Inner Studies, Inc. (by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui®)
Certificate of Psychic Development (Level 1 & 2), trained by Sue Nicholson® (renowned psychic medium in NZ)
Certificate of PSYCH-K® Method (trained by PSYCH-K® Instructor Julienne Rose)
Angelia’s Mission
Her mission is to raise consciousness of holistic and spiritual solutions and perspectives on personal and planetary healing and well-being; of the non-physical realms of the angels and crystal kingdom who are assisting us in our spiritual awakening /remembering and in our efforts and desires to ascend from the challenging but exciting times that we are experiencing collectively and individually at this present point in history.
She intuitively knows that her purpose on this planet today is to provide her clients with the insight, guidance, affirmation, and enlightenment through their Angels to live a completely joyous, prosperous, purposeful, peaceful, happy, balanced life. She offers the blueprint to change your life, resolve life-long conflicts, remove negatives, attract positives, and achieve health, wealth, joy, and abundance.
Angelia’s Message
Change is the only constant in the universe, yet many of us fight change in our lives. We go to great lengths to keep our lives familiar, even if the familiar is painful. In order to bring ourselves into balance we need to take the steps to change often times the first step is to get clear on the guidance your higher spiritual self is sending you. You always have help and love. Each of us has angels and guides to help us on life’s path. We each have that little voice inside our hearts that guides us, often called intuition. Through your life, you most likely remember hearing that voice. Make sure that you are always listening and acting according that inner guidance.