Upcoming Group Prayer events:
Prayer date & time: Day 21.12. Time – 9pm NZ, 7pm AU, 9am Europe.
Mass Meditation Event organized by “DNA Awakening”
Date: 21.12. 8am (PST) LA USA, 11am (EST) NY USA, 4pm (GMT) London Europe, 5pm (CET) Paris France
Date: 22.12. 12am (CST) Beijing China, 1am (JST) Tokyo Japan, 3am (AEDT) Sydney AU, 5am (NZST) Auckland NZ
According to the Galactic Rules, when a critical mass of 144,000 people participating on a mass meditation requesting the “Divine Intervention” is reached, it will trigger the process of accepting humanity as a part of Galactic family. Please watch the video below for all details and join us.

Blessings from New Zealand to all awakened souls around the world!
My name is Angelia Divina and I have an important message for you.
Until now, I’ve been quietly working behind the scenes on a mission of assisting humanity during the process of the great awakening and transformation of consciousness. I’ve been walking on my spiritual path, assisting others in healing by providing Angel Crystal Healing sessions and Spiritual Counseling.
Current worldwide events of forced mandates, restrictions and breaching many important human rights, orchestrated by evil forces, prompted me to take further action. The High level of evil activities that we are witnessing is growing very rapidly every single day, the human race is under attack. This must be stopped immediately! Time is running out.
I was Divinely guided to connect with all awakened human beings around the world, to link or connect each individual consciousness into one strong energy field that will hold one vision of Freedom, Harmony, Peace, Justice, Balance for whole humanity in order to co-create new reality.
The First step on this journey has been already taken and continues, by sending the “Thought / Telepathic Messages” to many people and groups around the world, please see my website page Save Humanity, dedicated to this process.
Unfortunately the evil’s presence is still very strong and we see no signs of easing at this moment. In addition to sending many “Thought / Telepathic Messages” (that everyone can do on a daily basis), a further step needs to be taken. The situation in New Zealand, Australia and many other countries has reached a breaking point, where the level of tyranny and oppression has become unbearable for some. Now is the time for payer, it is the time that we ask The Universe for a “Divine Intervention”.
Those of us in an awakened state of consciousness have been doing everything we could, on energy and physical levels, to fight evil forces. But the level of evil ruling this planet has now crossed the line, and so we need help from higher dimensions. Many of you know that we have free will and that must be respected through the entire Universe. For this reason, no matter what is happening in our 3D reality, no higher beings from other dimensions are allowed to interfere with our individual and collective decisions and actions, unless we pray and ask for a “Divine Intervention”. An intervention to save humanity and to assist us in removing evil forces from our planet. The current situation, especially in New Zealand and Australia requires additional assistance from other realms.
I feel the urgency of using the power of prayer, that uses the same principle as the interconnected thoughts or thought messages and visions. What I mean by that is to use the power of the collective consciousness, to send a powerful request to The Universe to intervene. As we are requesting the assistance based on free will, we are giving The Universe our permission to intervene.
How to Participate
Before I start to describe more details about the prayer, I’d like to emphasize that this prayer is not an online event in any form eg. Zoom meeting or video call etc.. In fact, the opposite is the truth. The further you stay away from your computer, tablet, mobile phone or any other device connected to the internet (wi-fi), the better. That means your energy field won’t be negatively affected by EMF radiation, thus your connection to The Source / Divine / God, will be stronger.
Your participation in this prayer event only requires that you join our prayer group on telepathic level at the same day and time while being physically present in the most comfortable place of your choosing, where you won’t be disturbed. I would recommend the place where you usually meditate or relax (it can be even outside in nature). You can sit, lay down, stand or even walk (some people enjoy walking meditations) and then just imagine a picture of a laser beam being sent from your heart, pointing to the sky, that carries the message:
“We are asking for the Divine intervention to save humanity, to free us from the tyranny, mandates and restrictions, to give us our freedoms back”.
I suggest holding this vision and intention as briefly as 3-5 minutes or even longer. Stay focused on the prayer as long as it feels right for you. The words that you use (in your mind) to send the Prayer message are not so important, you can use your own language to send the prayer. But what is the most important is the meaning behind the words, which is the request for “Divine Intervention”, the Divine assistance to help humanity to free ourselves from the tyranny that evil doers forced on us. When a group of people send this prayer at the same time, the prayer will carry a more energetic charge, thus a more powerful outcome can be achieved.
“We are all in this together”! Let’s pray together.
Prayer event: Day 21.12. Time – 9pm NZ, 7pm AU, 9am Europe, 8am UK
All of you who are interested in participation in this collective prayer “Divine Intervention” request, feel free to contact me to let me know about your participation, however prior contact is not necessary in order to participate in the Prayer events. You can use this prayer anytime you feel appropriate. This prayer is powerful even when used individually.