Mar 212022

Angels and Archangels have limitless healing capabilities and we need only give our permission and allow these magnificent light beings to fulfil their Divine Purpose.

Angels can heal any physical or emotional pain. Angel Healing occurs instantly and is permanent. Angels act from a place of Love and Light and to be healed by an Angel is to be touched by an Angel. Incredible.

Angel Healing – What Happens?

Angels heal effectively, instantly and permanently. Their abilities are limitless and their desire to help you can free you from every issue, situation, physical or emotional pain known to us. They need only your permission to remove these issues and your willingness to fully release any pain or issue you have experienced to the Light for transmutation.

What’s wonderful about transmutation is that all negativity becomes purity and Love and Light. The Angels know what needs to be done and can cut through negative energy cords, shield you from psychic attacks, dissolve pain and release you from your past.

Angels can help you to tread a path of prosperity and abundance. The Angels are happy to do this for you. Are you ready to allow them to take your problems away? Are you ready to allow some serious positivity to flow into your life?

Angel Healing – What’s It Like?

When Angel Healing is occurring, you feel relaxed and easy. Angel Healing is pure release. It is powerful and it is transformational. Some people cry tears of joy at the wonderful feelings that flow to them from the Angels. You feel incredibly light and free once all of those problems and heaviness have been taken away for you. You feel more stronger, confident and so open to receive the wonderful bounty of the Universe. After Angel Healing your life is unimaginably better, clearer, happier and lighter.

Mar 192022

Because you have guardian angels with you continuously, you receive angelic messages every moment of every day. The question isn’t whether your angels talk to you, but whether you notice their communications. That’s because angels may speak to you in ways that differ from your expectations.

Angels, along with other Heavenly beings, communicate in four ways:

1. Through visions: This applies to things that you see mentally or with your physical eyes; what you see in dreams; signs that appear before you; seeing flashing or sparkling lights; sensing light orbs in photographs; seeing moving objects; or noticing number sequences repeatedly such as 444 or 111. This is called clairvoyance, which means “clear seeing.”

2. Through feelings: These are emotions that come out of the blue, such as joy, excitement, and compassion; physical feelings disconnected to the physical world, such as feeling suddenly warm or feeling changes in air temperature or air pressure; sensing a spiritual presence; feeling as if someone has touched you; or smelling an essence with no physical origin, such as flowers or smoke. This is called clairsentience, which means “clear feeling.”

3. Through thoughts: This is when you know something without knowing how you know; receiving an “Aha!” revelation; being able to fix an item without instructions; having very wise words come through your speech or writings, as if someone else gave them to you; getting a great idea for a new invention, business, or product; and experiencing “I knew that!” thoughts after something occurs. This is called claircognizance, which means “clear thinking.”

4. Through sounds: This refers to hearing your name called as you awaken; celestial-sounding music from out of nowhere; a warning from a disembodied voice; overhearing a conversation or radio/TV program that gives you the exact information you need; a loving message in your mind or outside one ear; or a high-pitched ringing sound. This is called clairaudience, which means “clear hearing.”

What’s Your “Primary Clair”?

While the angels talk to us in a combination of the four ways—visions, feelings, thoughts, and sounds—one of these channels is strongest for you. We call this your “primary clair.” The other three clairs amplify and augment this primary means of angelic communication.

You’ve probably heard that some people are highly visual, while others are more auditory or kinesthetic, and so on. These individual styles reflect how you take in the material world with your physical senses, as well as how you receive and notice Divine communication.

To discover your primary clair, think about the following scenarios and then answer the question (choose only one response for each):

1. When you initially meet someone new, what’s the first thing you tend to notice about the person?

a. The way the person looks, such as clothing, hair, teeth, shoes, or general attractiveness
b. How you feel around the person, such as being comfortable, amused, safe, and so on
c. Whether you find the person interesting, or believe this may be someone who can help you out in your career
d. The sound of the person’s voice or laughter

2. Think back on a vacation you took. What stands out most in your memory?

a. The beautiful sights of nature, the architecture, or something that you witnessed
b. The peaceful, romantic, restful, or exhilarating feelings associated with the trip
c. The important and interesting cultural and/or historical information that you learned while traveling
d. The sweet silence, the crashing surf, the chirping birds, the rustling leaves, music, or some other sound

3. Recall a movie that you truly enjoyed. When you think of that film, what comes to mind first?

a. The attractive actors and actresses, the lighting, the costumes, or the scenery
b. The way the movie made you laugh, cry, or moved you in some other regard
c. The interesting plot, or the life lessons that you or the movie’s characters learned during the story
d. The musical score or the sound of the actors’ and actresses’ voices

Note your answers to the above questions. Most likely, you’ve answered two or three questions with the same letter, which signifies your primary clair, or the dominant way in which you process information about the physical and spiritual world.

This is what the answers mean:

Mostly “a” answers signify clairvoyance. You’re a highly visual person and are likely to notice how people, places, and even meals look before you focus on anything else. You’re probably very artistic; or if you’re not creative in this way, you have an excellent eye for putting together wardrobes, interior design, and such. Visual harmony is important to you, and you appreciate anything that’s pleasing to the eye. You probably see sparkling or flashing lights when angels move around you, and you’ve most likely seen a departed loved one out of the corner of your eye before. You have mental visions of possibilities, and you have the ability to put these intentions into action.

Your angels speak to you through mental images; signs that you witness with your physical eyes (anything that’s meaningful that you see); repeating number sequences (such as 111, 444, and so on); finding coins; seeing butterflies, birds, and colors around people; and other visual means. Trust these visions—they’re Heaven’s way of speaking to you!

Mostly “b” answers signify clairsentience. You interact with the world through your physical and emotional feelings. You’re highly sensitive and may have difficulty dealing with crowds, which can include driving on busy streets and freeways. You sometimes confuse others’ feelings for your own. You’re very compassionate, and often feel the pain of those around you (sometimes unknowingly). You may overeat or indulge in other addictions to deal with overwhelming feelings. You want to help others to feel happy, and may become a professional helper or form relationships with people who need assistance. You’ve been teased for being “too sensitive,” yet your sensitivity has made you a delicate receiving instrument for Heaven’s messages.

Your angels speak to you through your heart and body. You feel joy as an indicator that you’re on the right path; dread as a sign that changes and healing are necessary; and fatigue as a clue that you need to take time for rest, play, and self-care. You can tell whether a person is trustworthy or not, and your gut feelings are accurate. You feel air-pressure and temperature changes when communicating with the spirit world, can sense the presence of angels or departed loved ones, and sometimes feel angels brushing your skin or hair. Don’t write these sensations off as being “just feelings”—they’re how Heaven speaks to you!

Mostly “c” answers signify claircognizance. You’re an intellectual who receives direct communication through ideas and revelations. You often know facts (both trivial and important) without having read or heard anything about a particular subject before, as if God has downloaded the information directly into your brain. You’re not comfortable with small talk, and prefer deeper and more profound discussions. You may feel uneasy around people, except in one-on-one situations involving a subject of interest to you. You’re able to fix electronic and mechanical items without referring to instruction booklets, and you know how to heal people and situations, too. You’ve most likely been teased for being a “know-it-all.” You may be skeptical about angels and psychic abilities, unless you’ve had a dramatic lifesaving experience that you can’t explain away.

Your angels speak to you through wordless impressions that you receive in your mind. You’re able to mentally ask for information or help and receive it as Divine instructions that suddenly appear in your thoughts. You receive brilliant ideas for inventions, teachings, and businesses that shouldn’t be ignored. The “Aha” moments are clues to when you’re connecting with your angels. As a claircognizant, you tend to assume that your knowledge is common information. It isn’t—it’s Heaven’s way of answering your prayers and speaking to you!

Mostly “d” answers signify clairaudience. You’re very sensitive to noise, and you’re the first one to cringe at off-key notes or other unpleasant sounds. You can remember song melodies in much the same way that someone with a photographic memory can recall material they’ve read. It’s best if you use earplugs when traveling, as sensitivity to noise makes it difficult for you to sleep or relax on airplanes and in hotel rooms. For the same reason, you avoid the first few rows at loud concerts. When you use alarm clocks, you prefer waking to soft music on the radio rather than loud buzzing sounds.

Your angels speak to you with words that you hear inside or outside your mind. During emergencies, a loud voice outside of one ear warns you of danger. The voice of Heaven, unlike an auditory hallucination, is always loving, to the point, and inspiring—even when it asks you to do something heroic, or function beyond what you believe are your capacities. You’re likely to hear celestial music and your name being called in the morning. Don’t worry that you’re making it up, even if it sounds like your own voice. As long as the voice is loving and asks you to improve a situation, it’s Heaven’s way of speaking directly to you!


This excerpt is taken from the book The Angel Therapy Handbook by Doreen Virtue.

Oct 232021

Upcoming Group Prayer events:

Prayer date & time: Day 21.12. Time – 9pm NZ, 7pm AU, 9am Europe.


Time Zone Converter

Mass Meditation Event organized by “DNA Awakening”

Date: 21.12. 8am (PST) LA USA, 11am (EST) NY USA, 4pm (GMT) London Europe, 5pm (CET) Paris France
Date: 22.12. 12am (CST) Beijing China, 1am (JST) Tokyo Japan, 3am (AEDT) Sydney AU, 5am (NZST) Auckland NZ

According to the Galactic Rules, when a critical mass of 144,000 people participating on a mass meditation requesting the “Divine Intervention” is reached, it will trigger the process of accepting humanity as a part of Galactic family. Please watch the video below for all details and join us.

Prayer for Divine Intervention

Blessings from New Zealand to all awakened souls around the world!
My name is Angelia Divina and I have an important message for you.

Until now, I’ve been quietly working behind the scenes on a mission of assisting humanity during the process of the great awakening and transformation of consciousness. I’ve been walking on my spiritual path, assisting others in healing by providing Angel Crystal Healing sessions and Spiritual Counseling.

Current worldwide events of forced mandates, restrictions and breaching many important human rights, orchestrated by evil forces, prompted me to take further action. The High level of evil activities that we are witnessing is growing very rapidly every single day, the human race is under attack. This must be stopped immediately! Time is running out.

I was Divinely guided to connect with all awakened human beings around the world, to link or connect each individual consciousness into one strong energy field that will hold one vision of Freedom, Harmony, Peace, Justice, Balance for whole humanity in order to co-create new reality.
The First step on this journey has been already taken and continues, by sending the “Thought / Telepathic Messages” to many people and groups around the world, please see my website page Save Humanity, dedicated to this process.

Unfortunately the evil’s presence is still very strong and we see no signs of easing at this moment. In addition to sending many “Thought / Telepathic Messages” (that everyone can do on a daily basis), a further step needs to be taken. The situation in New Zealand, Australia and many other countries has reached a breaking point, where the level of tyranny and oppression has become unbearable for some. Now is the time for payer, it is the time that we ask The Universe for a “Divine Intervention”.

Those of us in an awakened state of consciousness have been doing everything we could, on energy and physical levels, to fight evil forces. But the level of evil ruling this planet has now crossed the line, and so we need help from higher dimensions. Many of you know that we have free will and that must be respected through the entire Universe. For this reason, no matter what is happening in our 3D reality, no higher beings from other dimensions are allowed to interfere with our individual and collective decisions and actions, unless we pray and ask for a “Divine Intervention”. An intervention to save humanity and to assist us in removing evil forces from our planet. The current situation, especially in New Zealand and Australia requires additional assistance from other realms.

I feel the urgency of using the power of prayer, that uses the same principle as the interconnected thoughts or thought messages and visions. What I mean by that is to use the power of the collective consciousness, to send a powerful request to The Universe to intervene. As we are requesting the assistance based on free will, we are giving The Universe our permission to intervene.

How to Participate

Before I start to describe more details about the prayer, I’d like to emphasize that this prayer is not an online event in any form eg. Zoom meeting or video call etc.. In fact, the opposite is the truth. The further you stay away from your computer, tablet, mobile phone or any other device connected to the internet (wi-fi), the better. That means your energy field won’t be negatively affected by EMF radiation, thus your connection to The Source / Divine / God, will be stronger.

Your participation in this prayer event only requires that you join our prayer group on telepathic level at the same day and time while being physically present in the most comfortable place of your choosing, where you won’t be disturbed. I would recommend the place where you usually meditate or relax (it can be even outside in nature). You can sit, lay down, stand or even walk (some people enjoy walking meditations) and then just imagine a picture of a laser beam being sent from your heart, pointing to the sky, that carries the message:
“We are asking for the Divine intervention to save humanity, to free us from the tyranny, mandates and restrictions, to give us our freedoms back”.

I suggest holding this vision and intention as briefly as 3-5 minutes or even longer. Stay focused on the prayer as long as it feels right for you. The words that you use (in your mind) to send the Prayer message are not so important, you can use your own language to send the prayer. But what is the most important is the meaning behind the words, which is the request for “Divine Intervention”, the Divine assistance to help humanity to free ourselves from the tyranny that evil doers forced on us. When a group of people send this prayer at the same time, the prayer will carry a more energetic charge, thus a more powerful outcome can be achieved.

“We are all in this together”! Let’s pray together.

Prayer event: Day 21.12. Time – 9pm NZ, 7pm AU, 9am Europe, 8am UK

All of you who are interested in participation in this collective prayer “Divine Intervention” request, feel free to contact me to let me know about your participation, however prior contact is not necessary in order to participate in the Prayer events. You can use this prayer anytime you feel appropriate. This prayer is powerful even when used individually.

Energy Pray For The World – Message from Theresa