Mar 212022

Angels and Archangels have limitless healing capabilities and we need only give our permission and allow these magnificent light beings to fulfil their Divine Purpose.

Angels can heal any physical or emotional pain. Angel Healing occurs instantly and is permanent. Angels act from a place of Love and Light and to be healed by an Angel is to be touched by an Angel. Incredible.

Angel Healing – What Happens?

Angels heal effectively, instantly and permanently. Their abilities are limitless and their desire to help you can free you from every issue, situation, physical or emotional pain known to us. They need only your permission to remove these issues and your willingness to fully release any pain or issue you have experienced to the Light for transmutation.

What’s wonderful about transmutation is that all negativity becomes purity and Love and Light. The Angels know what needs to be done and can cut through negative energy cords, shield you from psychic attacks, dissolve pain and release you from your past.

Angels can help you to tread a path of prosperity and abundance. The Angels are happy to do this for you. Are you ready to allow them to take your problems away? Are you ready to allow some serious positivity to flow into your life?

Angel Healing – What’s It Like?

When Angel Healing is occurring, you feel relaxed and easy. Angel Healing is pure release. It is powerful and it is transformational. Some people cry tears of joy at the wonderful feelings that flow to them from the Angels. You feel incredibly light and free once all of those problems and heaviness have been taken away for you. You feel more stronger, confident and so open to receive the wonderful bounty of the Universe. After Angel Healing your life is unimaginably better, clearer, happier and lighter.

Feb 272011

Announcement: Angel Crystal Healing services are temporarily closed until further notice.

Angel Crystal Healing is a revolutionary therapy that utilizes the healing energy of Angels (Divine healing energy) in conjunction with healing energy of natural Crystals and Gemstones to bring about an effective difference in the way you feel. Crystal Healing and Angel Healing are both wonderful, non-intrusive modalities which empower the body to heal itself. As a healer, I work with these two modalities in conjunction with each other and have developed this very powerful technique called “Angel Crystal Healing“. During advanced healing sessions, The Bioptron Light Therapy System (the patented technology from Switzerland) is used in conjunction with Angel Crystal Healing Therapy. The Bioptron Light Colour Therapy is other healing modality that we offer and this healing therapy is provided separately or it can be combined with Angel Crystal Healing. To read more about Colour Therapy…Click here.

Crystals have been used for thousands of years for adornment and their healing properties. Most have been formed in the earth millions of years ago and come in all sorts of different shapes, sizes and colours. Each crystal has its own unique vibration and we are usually drawn to a crystal which resonates to our own vibration. Crystals heal on all levels – emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. To read more about Crystal Healing method…Click here.

Angels and Archangels have limitless healing capabilities, their healing energy is powerful. Angels heal effectively, instantly and permanently. Their abilities are limitless and their desire to help you can free you from every issue, situation, physical or emotional pain known to us. They need only your permission to remove these issues and your willingness to fully release any pain or issue you have experienced to the Light for transmutation. For more information about Angel Healing method…Click here.

An Angel Crystal Healing session is extremely relaxing, and leaves you with a feeling of peace and well being. It cleanses the chakras and aura, and dissolves any blocks in the body and the body’s etheric layers. The Crystals’ and Angels’ healing energy both work on the human energy field, helping to rebalance the Chakra system and allowing energy to move more freely through the body, which in turns assists the body’s natural healing process. Healing sessions take place in Hibiscus Coast, Auckland, New Zealand.

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