Our Mission:
To reach the Critical Mass that will trigger the fall of Evil Forces on this planet Earth.

How can we do that?
Starting one country at a time, over time, all of the “critical masses” in each country will join together to become one Earth critical mass. Once a certain higher state of consciousness is reached, this energy field of higher frequency can’t support “evil” forces anymore, thus they are forced to leave our reality, and their dominance will be over.
Understanding the Consciousness.
As many of you know, each of us is a consciousness having a human experience, there is much more than what we can see by our physical eyes. Our consciousness is aware of our journey in this lifetime (and in fact all our previous lifetimes too). Some might call the consciousness the higher self or soul (it is not important how you call it). As we are a consciousness on an individual level, we are also a part of consciousness on the collective level and that is commonly called the “Collective Consciousness”. The collective consciousness has many different levels eg. small group consciousness (family, friends etc.), town consciousness, country consciousness and so on.
Why understanding the consciousness is important?
It is very crucial to understand what the consciousness is, what our perception is, what our thoughts are and how we create our reality. All is linked together, as we are linked together as a collective. Our thoughts are very powerful, our thoughts are directly linked to our perception of the reality around us. Do you like what you see happening right now? Do you feel that your human rights and freedoms are being removed from you? Do you feel hopeless and don’t know what you can do about that? There is the way out of this.
We the people have the power (some might not realize it).
Telepathic Messages to reach the Critical Mass.
Inspired by a recent channeled message (video and transcript below) specifically directed to all Kiwis, New Zealand and the current situation of oppression and tyranny, I would like to explain the way how each of us can play an important part of changing our reality, to see a different outcome. I believe that nothing is a “coincidence”, you are reading this text for a reason, you’ve been brought here right now to assist humanity. Even playing a tiny role as an individual will make a difference in the bigger scale. At this moment we are being restricted in our physical movement, our freedoms are almost completely wiped out, some of us are even being forced to accept an experimental medical procedure (gene therapy jab) in order to keep a job. In short, we are under medical tyranny and dictatorship which can’t be tolerated any longer. We are being surveilled and controlled on the physical level, but there is very good news.
In other words nobody can control your thoughts, nobody can dictate what thoughts you are sending telepathically to another person or whole group of people. This is a new way we can communicate consciously, with intention to reach one another, and hold the same vision for a better world. The world of peace, harmony, human rights, freedom, beauty and whatever positive result you would like to see and experience.
How it can be done, what is the process?
It is very simple yet very smart and powerful.
Set aside a few minutes every day, just quiet your mind and visualize a short positive message that will represent a positive vision for the new reality that you would like to see manifested in your life, as well as for the whole of humanity.
Then consciously send that thought / telepathic message to another person, “Mind to Mind, Heart to Heart”. It can be someone you know in person or someone you never met. It doesn’t matter, this is an energy based message, you are connecting on a different (invisible) level.
You can send your message to a group as well, there is no limit on how many people can be involved in this receiving process.
There are no limits on how many positive messages / visions you can create in your mind.
Be creative! Make your message clean, clear and crisp. What is important is that no matter what message you are sending, you feel love, joy and balance in your heart. Remember: we are working together towards achieving a positive outcome for this world. That means there is no place for any anger or hatred towards anyone.
Don’t get me wrong, we might be angry or frustrated on the physical level from time to time, when we see what is happening around us, when we see injustice, when we see that all rights are taken away, and our frustration is understandable. But when you sit in some quiet place with the intention to send your thought / telepathic message, you need to stay in a positive, peaceful and loving state of consciousness in order for this process to work as it is designed to. Stay focused on the same people, the same group of people, until you see a change in them. Keep adding more and more people and groups. They are encouraged to “Naturally” do the same.
Enjoy the process!
After a period of time (hopefully sooner than later), we should begin to see some signs of change for the better. You will know it, when you see it.
Samples of Thought messages:
“Awaken Dear Humanity!”
“See the Tyranny!”
“Release that Shackles!”
“Allow fresh air and water to carry away Evil doers!”
“We want our freedom back!”
So, let’s start this positive movement towards freedom, peace, harmony, democracy, righteousness and a loving environment!
Worldwide Prayer for “Divine Intervention”, feel free to join us!
Click here to find out more about this Prayer event.